Search results

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    Helena MT - V dubs and More - excellent shop

    they're not TDI exclusive, but Eric and his crew are reliable, honest and back their work. I had to have my glow plugs replaced (all 4 for about $300 total including diagnostics) and 2 went bad within 500 mi after replacement, no questions, no hassle, replaced at no charge and the warranty...
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    Help finding part for rear light assembly passenger side

    I need a passenger side 1J6-945-257, THK 151, PP-T20 rear bulb platform... I've ordered 2 online and they've both been too long, with the attachment clips in the wrong place.... any ideas? This has been frustrating as hell.:mad: Yes... I tried replacing the bulbs first....:rolleyes: the old...
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    MKIV-A4 High Mileage Club! What have you racked up so far?

    02 Golf GlS.... barely broken in at 180,000 miles.
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    Where are the ECU and TCU Located

    Bad joke for the thread.... TCU is in Ft. Worth TX...
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    No Ground at MAF Connector Housing

    Glad I saw this thread.... what code did you pop on the cel? I am showing a P0102 code using a Bosch 1200 OBDII system _ but it does not have an 02 Golf in the vehicle list, so it's a straight OBDII code.
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    New to TDIClub? Introduce yourself here!

    Not new to the site, but returning after a fairly long absence... If you are in the PNW and need work done on your TDI... drive to Portland to have oldpoopie treat your engine right. I mean I moved from the East Coast because I needed a great TDI mechanic. Too bad I'm in Montana now.
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    Trusted TDI Mechanics - By State

    I left the Seattle/Tacoma/Fife/Spanaway area in WA not too long ago and would like to recommend Oval's VW in fife, they did good work on my 02 Golf... I needed an auto transmission drain and fill after 150k ish miles.... and they did brakes/suspension... reasonably priced and good work, they...
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    TDIFest 2010, the location is Portland, OR

    You need to make sure you stop at Big Sky Brewing in Missoula MT - Moose Drool... YUM!! Trout Slayer..TASTY!! Wheat Montana is always a good stop too... and if you want a detour... stop in Wisdom, MT pop. 100 - eat at the Big Hole Crossing Restaurant (Yes, a 4 star restaurant - it caters t lthe...
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    Timming Belt Replacement! near Portland OR

    Justin is a transplant from NJ... I needed to keep a good mechanic, so I moved to the Seattle area....
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    What's happening in Portland?

    I'm going to need a TB/WP/FF change soon - and I need to talk to Oldpoopie, another NY/NJ transplant.
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    Post cheap diesel in Seattle

    Fred Meyer in Burien isn't bad - especially with the .10 off... I've been in the 3.3x to 3.5x range for the past couple of months.
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    I'm an idiot - gas in the TDI, full tank

    I think using it as a potty would be worse than filling the tank with gasoline.... just my toughts though - plus I wouldn't want to clean that tank...:eek: Imagine what that would do to your fuel filter.
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    I'm an idiot - gas in the TDI, full tank

    the gas went into gas cans, and was given to the guy with the pump, to use in 2 stroke engines and heavy equipment.
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    Oct. 13th Final Fling GTG

    Wish I could make it, but I'll be off playing with lead projectile units... anybody else gonna show up for Blade West Knife Show Sep 14th-16th in Portland? Or the Collector's West Gun Show this weekend Sep 7th-9th also in Portland? OldPoopie? Huh, bro, gonna show up?
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    Road Trip! Portland!

    Why were you putting gas in your TDI? I did that and it wasn't fun to fix... cost me a half rack of beer and a full day of relaxation due to the Labor day weekend. No problems, since I didn't start the beast after my major, nuclear brain fart, but I was extremely nervous and contrite.
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    I'm an idiot - gas in the TDI, full tank

    Resolution! OK, if you remove the out line from the fuel sender, attach a grounded electric low volume pump, turn on the the key without starting the engine, open the fuel cap, and are patient, you can remove the gas from your diesel tank. I put 2 gallons of fresh diesel into the tank after we...
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    I'm an idiot - gas in the TDI, full tank

    Printed the pics, now to see if I can find a pump... This really blows!
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    I'm an idiot - gas in the TDI, full tank

    Thanks Bob - I'll look, seeing as I do not have a Bentley Manual, this should be an adventure.
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    I'm an idiot - gas in the TDI, full tank

    OKAY, I'm an idiot, full out dumbass. 2002 Golf TDI - not paying attention, filled the tank with gas, and yes, the low fuel light was on when I pulled into the station, on Memorial Day, in a Flying J in Coeur D'Alene, ID... GF actually caught my mistake. I've owned the car for 5 years, the...
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    2006 Jetta ... is this normal ? ? ?

    I didn't like the decel on the DSG that I drove - really rough/jumpy downshifts... my slushbox is really smooth, even though I wish it was a manual.