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  1. blah-kay

    ALH to BRM oil pump sprocket swap?

    Perfect, thank you!
  2. blah-kay

    ALH to BRM oil pump sprocket swap?

    To give some context, I rebuilt the car 2 years ago (my first rebuild) for a cracked pan and oil starvation (blown turbo, blown crank bearings, scratched crank, etc.) I did get the crank machined and used oversize brings, I plastigaged the crank, but don't remember the specs. And ever since the...
  3. blah-kay

    ALH to BRM oil pump sprocket swap?

    Hey guys, I'm looking to do the oil pump sprocket change to the BRM sprocket from ALH, and I'm unsure of what parts are necessary for the swap. I have been mainly looking at this forum for my information. I know I...
  4. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    So, I've been driving the car for about a week now, and so far all my boost and fuel-related issues are solved, just some annoying issues remain like a vibration at idle and bad cv axle hubs. So if you are having a similar issue reading this year down the line, check your connections! Thanks for...
  5. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    All right, so the mechanic got back to me about the issue. it turns out the main connector for the IP wasn't plugged in all the way 😒 . I facepalmed too. To give context, I changed my IP from the manual one to the auto one about 2 years ago; I was 19 then so it's possible I made a mistake, but...
  6. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    So, the ECU did not fix the issue. I've gone ahead and caved in and brought it to a shop. I need a car right now and don't have the time to keep throwing parts at it that won't fix it. I've been installing all the parts in the school parking lot where it has been sitting for the last like 2...
  7. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    Not yet, haven't had my multi-meter with me since I'm at school. I'll test it after the ECU install.
  8. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    I'm shipping a new ECU to myself right now. After reading Brett's forum, I see many similar issues to mine. The ECU is worth a shot; I'm kind of at the point where I'm throwing parts at it. Will update after the install.
  9. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    The codes are the same as they were before, no new codes. The only difference is that the pending code is now gone.
  10. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    Alright, I just replaced the CPS with a new OEM one and it didn't solve the problem. Also cutting no longer only happens when it's hot, it is now all the time, considering it tried to kill on me backing out of the spot to drive it. I'm back at square one.
  11. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    Current DTCs : P0671 P9672 P9673 P9674, these are glowplugs faults, I have them unplugged at the moment. and P0401 - EGR system: insufficient flow. I have an EGR delete. Pending DTCs: P0216 - Commencement of Injection Valve (N108): Circuit Malfunction
  12. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    Just an update, it got so bad I literally can't drive the car for long or it will 100% kill me. Seems as it only kills once the oil gets to around 190F or so. I look around at ALH stalling at operating temp and it seems to be pointing to the crankshaft pos sensor. I'm going to buy an OEM, not...
  13. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    You don't see it under file and save as?
  14. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    Alright, so there's good news and bad news. The bad news is that the issue got so bad that the motor died, leaving me stranded in an intersection. It wouldn't restart until around 10 minutes later. The good news is that I logged it. I logged 1,2,11 and 1,4,11. Will post it below. I'm going to...
  15. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    Aftermarket, It's the Delphi one off of Idparts, Crankshaft Position Sensor G28 (A4 ALH).
  16. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    I replaced it within the past year with the rebuild, is it common for them to fail? Also, I'm going to start carrying my laptop with me when I drive so if I get the symptoms I can at least get a log. What blocks do you guys recommend I record?
  17. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    Ok, so I've had a good 3 months of mostly uninterrupted driving; until today. I was door dashing when my car suddenly started doing the power cutting issue, but this time it was multitudes worse than it ever was. It was so bad that I couldn't even accelerate to the speed limit much rather get...
  18. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    I did lower my IQ, it sits around 1.6-2.3ish. I have the 11mm pump, bigger injectors, and other supporting mods, so it can handle the rich mixture. It can't be the N239 because I have an EGR delete. I have tested the solenoid cut-off in the past and have heard the clicking. Not sure it's the...
  19. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    I'm officially losing my mind. The intermittent cutting and jerking stopped for an entire month. Then yesterday it happened, only once. Then today twice. I can't get a measuring blocks log on it because of the sporadicness and scarcity. I'm truly at a loss.
  20. blah-kay

    Tdi ALH cutting power/jerking on acceleration

    My IQ is sitting around 3.7, and I checked my #3 resistance, it was 115 ohms. Haven't graphed blocks 13 and 4, will do it when the problem comes back.