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  1. CStone

    2012 Passat SEL Premium TDI added to family fleet. A couple issues?

    Hey all. My niece just picked up a 2012 Passat SEL Premium TDI. I'm not nearly as familiar with these as the ALH-vintage cars, so I have a couple questions. - Her 510 radio/bluetooth/nav cuts off randomly, according to her. I'm guessing the firmware update I've read about will fix this. -...
  2. CStone

    03 Jetta Odometer has reached it's limit?

    Awesome! Thanks, I'll check it out.
  3. CStone

    03 Jetta Odometer has reached it's limit?

    Where can I find someone with that software?
  4. CStone

    03 Jetta Odometer has reached it's limit?

    That would be interesting to know. Also if that info could be read through VAG-COM.
  5. CStone

    03 Jetta Odometer has reached it's limit?

    Yes trip meter still ticks up.
  6. CStone

    03 Jetta Odometer has reached it's limit?

    No additives other than when I first got the car 15 years ago with about 95k on the clock. I'm just careful where I buy fuel, only getting it at truck stops or other places that sell a lot of fuel. I have replaced 1 turbo and 1 clutch. Also 1 AC compressor. Still running original injectors...
  7. CStone

    03 Jetta Odometer has reached it's limit?

    Maintenance. Run the right oil. Use OEM filters.
  8. CStone

    03 Jetta Odometer has reached it's limit?

    Hey all, I noticed this morning on my way to work that my odometer has quit ticking up. A quick search on this forum tells me that I've reached the limit of the 16-bit counter (1 million km's). Is there a way with VAG-COM to get around this? This thing is my daily driver and I'd like to...
  9. CStone

    2003 Jetta Wagen just passed a million KM... now what?

    I hit this milestone on my Jetta - didn't realize the odometer wasn't ticking over for several weeks. LOL. It would be nice to be able to track miles as this car is still my daily driver.
  10. CStone

    2002 Jetta TDI

    PM sent
  11. CStone

    200,000 mile club... roll call!

    592k+ on my '03 Jetta. I still drive it every day.
  12. CStone

    Tips for getting an entire A4 TDI to 500k?

    That's awesome! congrats!
  13. CStone

    Tips for getting an entire A4 TDI to 500k?

    I have 586k on my '03 Jetta. I've put one clutch and one turbo on it. Everything else is original. Longevity is simple: Maintenance. Do the maintenance. And run the right oil. I ran Delvac 1 for the first 500k. I've since switched to Schaeffer's full synthetic.
  14. CStone

    Why do You Still Have Your MK4 TDI?

    I still have my '03. Drive it 200+ miles a day. Love it for the reasons stated by others above. Reliable. Cheap. Simple to work on. I've got 586k and still ticking. My 16 yr old daughter just bought an '01 Golf TDI as her first car. Told her that if she takes care of it, it'll last her...
  15. CStone

    Who has mega miles on a TDI

    562k and counting. Original injectors, injection pump, etc. One new turbo and clutch around 400k. Drive her 210 miles a day and still get 53-55 mpg.
  16. CStone

    Why is the ventiation system blowing HOT air only?

    Tab was bent over. Man what a bugger to get to. Thanks Tdijarhead.
  17. CStone

    200,000 mile club... roll call!

    '03 Jetta just turned over 552,000.
  18. CStone

    Why is the ventiation system blowing HOT air only?

    Resurrecting an old thread, but I've had similar issues in the past that have reared their ugly head this week. '03 Jetta TDI. The pivot has fallen out of my airbox 2-3 times over the years, and I've learned that it's an easy fix. Stand on my head, reach in through the driver's side and pop...
  19. CStone

    Who has mega miles on a TDI

    Up to 531k+ and still a daily driver.