Search results

  1. R

    For Sale: Genuine VW ALH Cylinder Head

    Hello Dieselfuel, I might be interested, how many miles on the cam and head? Thanks Bob
  2. R

    WTD - Bently manual for MK4

    Got one, thanks guys
  3. R

    WTD - Bently manual for MK4

    I own three of these cars it's about I get the Bently. I'm on the west coast
  4. R

    Part out: 02 Golf 4 door tdi automatic

    $150 for the turbo shipped to 94030?
  5. R

    FS:ALH Head Must Go!

    How many miles on the head?
  6. R

    10mm alh injector pump

    How many miles on the pump?
  7. R

    VNT 15 turbo (new) kinda of !

    How many miles on the head?
  8. R

    FS: ALH Charge Piping & Intercooler w/ Shroud - NY

    Will you ship or is this local pickup only?
  9. R

    timing belt engine mount the one with 3 bolts

    I'm not a mechanic but I've done this a few times and it's not difficult to do. I use a floor jack with a pad on it and jack it up at the oil pan. A few inches up and a few inches down is all you need. As a precaution I have a large block of wood and a wedge along side the jack under the oil...
  10. R

    Is this piston valve contact?

    I recommend send your head to Frank. He was more then fair with me and if I had any questions he had the answers.
  11. R

    Is this piston valve contact?

    Well finally got around to fixing my car. Got to head on and a new timing belt and now she purrs like a kitten :)
  12. R

    Factory tail lights $25

    I'll take them
  13. R

    Is this piston valve contact?

    So, I so got the head back from Frank. He found the existing valves were not damaged, however they were not stock, so they were replaced along with cam,followers, seals, keepers and guides. It all looks brand new to me. He also fixed me up with timing belt kit and gaskets. Now...
  14. R

    Is this OK?

    the first time I removed the camshaft gear I used the gear puller and cracked the gear. Since then I just use a hammer and punch from the back side of the gear and haven't had a problem. Does anyone else do it this way? Bob
  15. R

    Is this piston valve contact?

    I have checked protrusion. I checked it just outside the valve relief two locations each piston they are all running about .004". I didn't do a compression test before I remove the head so once the head is back on I'll check it then. I'll be doing this because I don't know the history...
  16. R

    Is this piston valve contact?

    So, I talked to Frank. He laid out all the options and pricing and emailed me a shipping. label with instructions on how to ship the head. When he receives it he'll check it and give me a call. I'll post updates and thanks for the help guys
  17. R

    Is this piston valve contact?

    That's what I'm asking, how do you know with certainty when a valve is bad. Like I said before they miked out ok for height and diameter but DanG said when a valve bends it can bend back to its original shape. So....I thought I should replace them all. Now I'm trying to find out if I...
  18. R

    Is this piston valve contact?

    I checked the piston heights see my post above, they are within tolerance.:):) Does anyone know what worst case cost for a Frank rebuild?
  19. R

    Is this piston valve contact?

    I checked the protrusion and they all fall within a range of .038 and 040. I checked this directly above the wrist pin down the centerline of the block on each side of the Pistons. So, looking good so far. I planned on replacing valves my question now is can I just replace the valves and...
  20. Piston valve contact

    Piston valve contact

    Possible piston valve contact