Search results

  1. krystlelite81

    No Speedo/Odo; VSS No Fix; Fuse # 7 keeps blowing

    UPDATE!! My problem has returned. I finally just tried to put a higher amp mini fuse in place of the 10amp (I put a 15amp). It has worked without any problems for the last few years until I left my lights on and the battery died. After jumping the car, the fuse had blown! Swapped in another 15...
  2. krystlelite81

    odd CEL on 2000 A4

    No Smog? Having to smog diesels 1998 and up isn't a state wide law in California??
  3. krystlelite81

    Help did i blow my motor?

    If you aren't super careful and you don't tension the tensioner just right, the notch on the tensioner can come out of the groove it sits in, thus loosing tension... I would pull the valve cover first and look for lifter damage, takes just a few mins to get that off... Good luck!
  4. krystlelite81

    need info about alh tdi 01m

    CoolAirVW would be the perfect person to ask this question too. We sent him a 98 or 99 valve body to rebuild and he told us it would work fine in an 03. Good luck!
  5. krystlelite81

    VCDS VAG-COM Locator

    Alternative Solutions (previously under my username, krystlelite81, and listed as in Santa Cruz, CA) Campbell, CA 95008 HEX-CAN USB and recently just got the HEX-NET wifi interface!
  6. krystlelite81

    NorthBay tuners available?

    We are a dealer for both Malone and Kerma. We are in the South Bay.
  7. krystlelite81

    HIgh cost of Malone tune

    Hi Stan, We are a Malone dealer as well as Kerma TDI. You do need to pull the ECU and send it to Malone or Kerma (whomever you choose) for them to program the computer. We would just charge you an hour labor to pull the ECU and reinstall ($110), retail on the tune you want (Malone has different...
  8. krystlelite81

    Anyone near Monterey Bay to help install a camshaft (I'll pay)

    Just for future if anyone can't get a hold of Shaz on his cell just call the shop or send an email, I see the emails 24/7. DH303 see you next week!
  9. krystlelite81

    Bay Area TDI (ALH) needs some maintenance

    Thanks ShadowGuy for the shoutout! Hi Tap2112 and tdi_hopefull we would love to help any TDI drivers here in the Bay Area. If you aren't convinced that Shaz knows what hes doing then just check out our Yelp reviews. Just search Alternative Solutions of Campbell. Give us a call anytime and let us...
  10. krystlelite81

    Bay Area TDI (ALH) needs some maintenance

    Thanks ShadowGuy for the shoutout! Hi Tap2112 and tdi_hopefull we would love to help any TDI drivers here in the Bay Area. If you aren't convinced that Shaz knows what hes doing then just check out our Yelp reviews. Just search Alternative Solutions of Campbell. Give us a call anytime and let us...
  11. krystlelite81

    2004 TDI Dreaded Torque Converter Fail

    Doing a rebuilt torque converter at this point would just be a bandaid fix. I agree with 275K go with the reman unit. You've definitely gotten your moneys worth and you'll be able to go another 275!
  12. krystlelite81

    VagCom Needed - Help with trouble codes and timing in Berkeley

    We have VAGCOM! I know we are a little further south, but if you still need some help give us a call, we would love to help you out with your timing.
  13. krystlelite81

    VCDS VAG-COM Locator

    Jeff can you please update my listing to Campbell, CA 95008. If its possible I'd like to change it to Alternative Solutions (our vendor name) too. Type of VCDS is still the same. Thank you!
  14. krystlelite81

    Trusted TDI Mechanics - By State

    I'd like to recommend: Alternative Solutions of Campbell 655 E. McGlincy Lane Ste. A Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 879-9062 Alternative Solutions is currently a vendor on TDI club as well. Here is a quote from a recent customer promoting...
  15. krystlelite81

    Need a Guru near Campbell, CA for a timing adjustment

    Still need help? Hi Peter...Do you still need help? We'd be happy to help you out and we are in Campbell. If so just give us a call...Alternative Solutions of Campbell :)
  16. krystlelite81

    GoodGuys Biodiesel Santa Cruz

    Wow! Um we did business under that name for years. Some vendors still use that name for us....
  17. krystlelite81

    GoodGuys Biodiesel Santa Cruz

    What I was saying was we NEVER registered or did business as "Good Guy's Biodiesal" anywhere. Its never been a real or fictious business name. We closed Good Guys Biodiesel in Santa Cruz and never reused the name. The internet claimed Good Guys was still open at our residence in Santa Clara...
  18. krystlelite81

    GoodGuys Biodiesel Santa Cruz

    I'm not sure what this name is above. Once we closed shop in Santa Cruz we closed out Good Guys Diesel & BioMechanics, LLC with the state and we never registered or opened again in that name, or any version of that name, anywhere. I disappeared from the boards because I've been teaching full...
  19. krystlelite81

    GoodGuys Biodiesel Santa Cruz

    Nothing has been said since 2011 because I stated then that we had nothing to do with what happened with us, so I didn't think I needed to further defend us, and until just now we were unaware that people were still blaming/bad mouthing us for something we did not do. In addition, I teach full...
  20. krystlelite81

    GoodGuys Biodiesel Santa Cruz

    We never did mechanics under "Happy Planet Co-op" hence the "co-op" part. We are Alternative Solutions now, for those who are interested and would like to contact us regarding your TDI, and for everyone else, I would appreciate it if you all could find something else to gossip and talk trash...