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  1. MVP

    *Not mine!* 2003 Jetta Wagon TDi Phoenix cheap!

    Ad is down already, wouldn't you know :confused:
  2. MVP

    No Longer WTB ALH Injector Puller Tool

    You could get a loaner slide hammer for free and fabricate a mount to pull them. I did it and it worked pretty well. O'Reilly or Autozone has loaners
  3. MVP

    2012 A3 TDI Premium FOR SALE 39,1** MILES

    Photos would help, in order to render an honest opinion...
  4. MVP


    Very cool car. GLWS
  5. MVP

    So.Cal-2011 Audi A3 TDI,DSG, SOLD

    @Dunerking1 - I can see your photos by looking at your media gallery in your profile. Nice looking car! If still for sale I might have to talk to the better half and see if she likes it better than my 2003 Jetta Wagon ;)
  6. MVP

    WTB panzer plate or skid plate 2003 Jetta Wagon

    Need oil pan protection. Located in Arizona but paying shipping not a problem. What ya got?
  7. MVP

    SOLD!!...PENDING A FEW REPAIRS...2003 Jetta TDI 5-speed 4-door Wagon 225k $5k obo, central VA

    Adoll, did you look at the album? Seems like he made an album for you based upon your photos. Maybe I am wrong?
  8. MVP

    SOLD!!...PENDING A FEW REPAIRS...2003 Jetta TDI 5-speed 4-door Wagon 225k $5k obo, central VA

    adoll, members can click on your name to view your media album. Nice wagon and in my opinion 2003 is the best year. Yes, I have a 2003 wagon. Wish mine didn't have a sunroof though. GLWS
  9. MVP

    Hilliard, Ohio, 2006 Volkswagen Jetta TDI 4dr Sedan (1.9L 4cyl Turbodiesel 5M)

    Pics and price will help you generate interest. I'm pretty sure price is required.
  10. MVP

    2002 jetta tdi-N. Virginia

  11. MVP

    Rosten Rods, GTB2260 CHRA, Front GLI Brake kit with 1.8T/VR6 spindles and control arms

    Figured out that my clutch needs attention before I do anything else
  12. MVP

    Rosten Rods, GTB2260 CHRA, Front GLI Brake kit with 1.8T/VR6 spindles and control arms

    No worries, thanks for the reply. So tempting, gotta think through if I can get it done along with all my other automotive projects, without my wife killing me...
  13. MVP

    SOLD: Very Clean 2004 Jetta Wagon TDI, 5-Speed Manual - $5,000

    From thr phone number my guess is southern California. 562 is Long Beach area. Only a guess though.
  14. MVP

    Rosten Rods, GTB2260 CHRA, Front GLI Brake kit with 1.8T/VR6 spindles and control arms

    Would the brakes spindles etc. Work on my 03 Jetta wagon?
  15. MVP

    Check your radiator/condenser fan operation NOW

    Post 1 and post 10 told me everything I needed to do. I replaced my fan a few years ago and problem solved. YMMV.
  16. MVP

    Feeler-- 8k, Thinking of Selling my 2005 Golf TDI GLS (Blue anthracite), Original Owner, Portland, Oregon, low miles, manual

    I agree. However a ton of people think they're super reliable and in Portland they're kinda hip-ish... Maybe if she knew the kind of issues subie owners encounter she might resist the Forrester 🤓
  17. MVP

    Testing the water: 2002 Golf GLS TDI, 5 spd high mileage but runs fine. $1,600 - Central CA

    It's a manual AC is cold Doesn't leak oil It's a keeper. Or someone will get a great commuter car for a bargain. I'd buy it but have 6 cars already and my wife isn't giving up her 18 4runner for a Golf.
  18. MVP

    WANTED - 2 door 99/00 ALH Golf 5sp North America

    Really nice one came up about 6 months ago. Haven't seen many lately though
  19. MVP

    Help me price my 2003 Jetta TDI Wagon properly

    Being an automatic it will be less desired than a 5-speed manual. Also it will be difficult to get opinions of value without good photos - exterior, interior, undercarriage, engine compartment. However based on what documentation and recent maintenance you have documented (aka receipts)... that...