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  1. asharpshooter

    TDI has not been used in a while

    I would get a hold of runonbeer, at, He is in Austin. He can take care of your TDI problems. Has your timing belt been replaced, your timing could be off a little.
  2. asharpshooter

    Far east Houston, GTG

    Waiting to hear back from Runonbeer on what date is good for him.
  3. asharpshooter

    Far east Houston, GTG

    We have room for a few more, post up!
  4. asharpshooter

    Far east Houston, GTG

    VAG-COM will be available, if anyone has codes to check out or adjustments to make. Anyone have any suggestions?
  5. asharpshooter

    Houston TDI owners

    The far east side of Houston here!
  6. asharpshooter

    Far east Houston, GTG

    Yes, I talked to him today about the work I would like done. He said he would look for this post.
  7. asharpshooter

    Far east Houston, GTG

    I would like to get Robbie, (Runonbeer) to come to Winnie, Tx to do a some work on my beetle. If anyone else would like work done, like timing belts, we could have a gtg. Anytime between Nov 20th and Dec 4th would be good for me. If you need your timing belt done, Runonbeer is the best! post...
  8. asharpshooter

    Timing Belt Change in Houston

    I could use an intake cleaning too.
  9. asharpshooter

    Houston TX timing belt???????

    I will try to get off work that weekend (02/26&27). I will be off the next two weekends (03/05&06,03/12&13). How would that work for everyone?
  10. asharpshooter

    Delvac 1 in Houston area

    Wal-Mart has Mobil 1 5w-40 Truck and Suv oil. I like and use the Rotella T 5w-40, $12.84 per gal.
  11. asharpshooter

    Piston crack ?????

    Do you think it is just your piston that is craked???
  12. asharpshooter

    New Texan, new TDI owner

    Howdy, neighbor! welcome to the club.
  13. asharpshooter

    Ran my Jetta out of fuel. How to get it started?!?

    Re: Ran my Jetta out of fuel. How to get it starte I would put more then 1.8 Gallons in the tank.
  14. asharpshooter

    New Member - Probably buying a Jetta

    the jetta should get more then twice the fuel mileage then the vette.
  15. asharpshooter

    New Member - Probably buying a Jetta

    Howdy neighbor! good luck on your dealing.
  16. asharpshooter

    K&N Air filters are on sale this week

    I have 70,000 miles with a K&N, no problems. I like mine.
  17. asharpshooter - yearend savings coupon

    Oh Boy! more X-mas presents for my NB