Search results

  1. C

    FS: 2002 Golf 204k miles $4900. San Francisco

    Sold. Can't find the delete button...
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    Golf Shocks Struts Springs Bushings Tools - $550

    Golf Shocks Struts Springs Bushings Tools - $450 Brand New. From I bought the whole set but am selling my car before I could install this. Will sell some things piecemeal, make an offer. Total Worth $750. 2 x Front Spring Top Perch (A3)(B4)(A4) 1 x Metalnerd Strut Spreader Tool...
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    Sway bar bushing replacement 'How to'

    The brackets I got from didn't fit my 2002 (brazil) Golf. I got the 23mm kit and the bushings fit fine. However, the new black (hump in middle) brackets didn't fit even without bushing in them. The top of the bracket above the bolt hole hits the frame above. So I shaved the hump in...
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    How to video: On car VE injection pump seal replacement video

    I see many posts about the three main injection pump seal replacements (head, top, and middle). My question is about the other side, or timing belt/sprocket side. Is there a replaceable seal here where it mounts onto the bracket, and if so, is it included in one of the seal kits for sale? I've...
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    How Long run without Cooling Pump?

    Thanks. I'm posting these for my friend/co-worker who is broke down in the desert near Palm Springs, CA (and also a Tdiclub member). He just found a part an hour away, and also found a ride there (before I received your replies). Thanks! Funny, we should have thought about posting this last...
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    How Long run without Cooling Pump?

    Great! Good news. Does anyone think there will be any damage to the steering system, injectors? Thanks
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    How Long run without Cooling Pump?

    How long/far/kind-of driving do people think you can do on a late '99 Jetta tdi without the serpentine belt on (cooling pump, a/c, p/s, alternator)?
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    Trunk release with Key only

    I opened mine up and lubricated a brass looking knuckle that rotates back and forth - it was very stiff and not flipping forward every time when actuated. When it flips forward - it allows the handle to lift out all the way to open the door. If it keeps acting up - i'll get a junkyard part.
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    GTG Helen,GA (May 2007) H2OTuning Official Announcement

    I'll be looking for a timing belt change around then too. Anyone coming who will work on those? also, another place to stay in helen is at my parents:
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    Shops that work on TDI's

    awe man, that sucks! I thought him and Stokley's Service Center were the only shops in Mobile that would work well on these cars. He doesn't have a vag-com? sheesh. That is required for a TB change. Well we should cross him off our list. I don't know if Stokley's has any experience w/ TB's...
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    Glow plugs 101 ***Ver. 2.0***

    Should the engine be totally cold when pulling out these glow plugs? For example, I thought it was best to pull spark plugs out of aluminum heads when cold to avoid galling/stripping. Or does it matter?
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    Odor coming from A/C

    there is a TSB for this: Of course, make sure the a/c is draining to the ground. (and not into passenger compartment, etc.) The following tools are recommended: (though I just did it w/ lysol bottle) Get a VAS 5106 applicator tool (looks like a 3 ft. long 1/2" diam. tube w/ air connection...
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    Bentley's Help

    did you look in the beginning section... not the big engine chapter? i don't have mine with me now to check, but it didn't have an index, and it's near the very front under regular or scheduled maintenance or something.. they have the fuel filter in there. I didn't check for oil change. i...
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    Alabama people in here!

    . ah, oh, a dieselgeek plate. thanks for the heads up on Everett and tdi's. crazy. I just got a local lead (via this forum actually! ;) ) on someone who'd work on tdi's: Perry Stokley. Stokley's Service Center in Mobile. thanks, don't need a vag-com now. (i have a laptop if u need to...
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    Alabama people in here!

    . Alright! There are other warm tdi body's around here! TDIkook, or bayou_flyer, or anyone else around here have any big maintenence items coming up? Anything I could be a fly on the wall for, or active grease monkey to help-out/learn? Who has a good shop for tdi's nearby? Is Everett on...
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    Alabama people in here!

    Down in Mobile too! hmmm, count one down on the gulf coast...
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    Need Compression test today SE U.S.

    Hello, Is there anyone who can give me a quick compression test today from Virginia to Atlanta - Sat. 22nd - Sund. 23rd? will pay... :) need to verify engine health right before warranty ends... Thanks! (251) 604-7268 .... can't check email often, please call..