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  1. N

    BEW compressed air leak (near break booster)?

    Its a BEW, unfortunately I didn't see a leak there but I've yet to put it under pressure with a mighty-vac.
  2. N

    BEW compressed air leak (near break booster)?

    Good evening, Tonight I'm dealing with a leak near my break pedal and am wondering if I can do this myself or need to go to one of my local shops. My breaks feel fine until I really push them leading to me thinking it's a vacuum issue? I hear a small leak when I turn over the engine, and it...
  3. N

    Painless Performance Kill Switch; Best place to splice 10a of continuous power?

    I've recently purchased the Painless Performance battery kill switch kit (30206), and I'm wondering where would be the best route for me to run the 10a of continuous power? I'm installing it on a 2000 ALH Jetta (m). I want to keep my alarm for security purposes, aswell as my remote locks if...
  4. N

    Painless Performance Kill Switch

    I've recently purchased the Painless Performance battery kill switch kit (30206), and I'm wondering where would be the best route for me to run the 10a of continuous power? I'm installing it on a 2000 Alh Jetta (m). I want to keep my alarm for security purposes, aswell as my remote locks if...
  5. N

    Trouble removing MK4 starter

    Update; called my family guru and we figured the prybar was the weak point. Ended up pulling out a crowbar and cracked the corrosion (gotta love that Atlantic salt)!
  6. N

    Trouble removing MK4 starter

    Hey guys, I'm having starter trouble on my 2001 Jetta ALH, and cannot get it to budge; even after removing both the top and lower bolts holding the starter to the engine block. I've tried to use a pry-bar to wiggle it loose, and have even used a chisel/hammer to try and get some play. All I...