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  1. L

    2001 Beetle starts but something is not right.

    Hey everyone thanks for all the advice and ideas and help. I did not mean to take so long to get back but it has been kinda busy around here. My problem was a fuel restriction caused by the Fuel Level Sender. It was pretty dirty, once I replaced that and got the air out of the lines it started...
  2. L

    2001 Beetle starts but something is not right.

    What is the easiest way to check to see if the fuel level sender unit is good. I'm thinking that it might be a fuel problem. Because now it is acting like it is not getting enough fuel. Because now it will start but will not stay running. Again Thanks.
  3. L

    2001 Beetle starts but something is not right.

    Nope not the oil plug. I will get it figured out where it goes Thursday. And yes, again that's a local term. I am leaning toward the EGR valve being stuck opened. Even when it was cleaned when I cleaned the intake about 3 weeks ago. Again thanks.
  4. L

    2001 Beetle starts but something is not right.

    Here is another thing I found yesterday while working on it. I pulled my bash plate off to check the vacuum line down to the turbo. When I did I found a bolt there on my bash plate. This bolt has a 17mm head on it and a 2mm thick washer that will not come off and the threaded end is about 12mm...
  5. L

    2001 Beetle starts but something is not right.

    I am still trying to get this figured out, and appreciate all the help. And I apologize for some of my terminology. All of the vacuum lines are good I checked them all. Some of the other test I couldn't run because I do not have a mighty vac or any other type of vacuum tester. I was trying to...
  6. L

    2001 Beetle starts but something is not right.

    The battery and charging system are fine. The starter is spinning everything just fine. It starts, but it is rough, so rough I don't want it to run. It was running fine when I shut it off. I pulled the hose off the EGR valve and Turbocharger they are nice and clean. I checked all the vacuum...
  7. L

    2001 Beetle starts but something is not right.

    I can look up on how to check the timing and run thru the steps. I did clean the intake and EGR valve about a month ago. The only reason I brought the problem about the turbo is when I was cleaning the intake the build up inside of it was not as rock hard as the viedo's that I saw on the web. It...
  8. L

    2001 Beetle starts but something is not right.

    Yes, the glow plug light came on like normal. On the timing not really, I had a new timing belt put on about 15,000 miles ago by Chad in Wichita, a mechanic on the TDI forum list. And as for the ASV, not sure what that is.
  9. L

    2001 Beetle starts but something is not right.

    Okay here is what happened. I drove home from work last night which is 45 miles from my house and stopped at a convenience store and shut off my car. I was there about 15 to 20 minutes. when I came back out to start my car, it started but it was like the glow plugs were not working. The engine...
  10. L

    Low oil pressure light.

    Just wanted to see if you can me find out what is maybe the problem with my Beetle. I was driving home from work and about 10 miles from home when this light came on. So I slowed down and nursed it home. I let it set for 20 minutes then checked the oil. It was fine. I never had any problems with...
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    Warning lights

    Hey, could use a little help on this. I was out of town for a week and the wife left the key in the ignition and ran the battery down. My son came over and jumped the the Beetle and got it started. But now after about 30 seconds of running the glow plug light flashes and the check engine light...
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    Electrical Problem

    Thanks for your advice, now I can order the part and get it fixed.
  13. L

    Electrical Problem

    Hey, electrical is not my niche. The problem is at first my high beam headlight switch had to be jiggled or flipped back and forth a couple of times to get it to switch to high beam. Then a couple of days ago I started to have my turn signals not working. So the question is, is it the clock...
  14. L

    2002 golf that's 2,400 miles away and doesn't run. Help me get it home

    I bought mine online, flew to Dallas and pick it up. Had a little trouble with 2 bad tires, and a cracked windshield. They replaced them, and I drove it back home. That is when I found out the blend doors were bad. But it was an adventure. My wife said it was on my bucket list of things to do...
  15. L

    oil leak on back side of engine

    I replaced the CCV hose and pancake, and my leak almost stopped. Now i have a small leak somewhere i have not found yet. Still trying to find the other leak but no luck yet. But at least it is not leaving drips on the floor.
  16. L

    200,000 mile club... roll call!

    200,000 mile roll call Just turned 200,000 miles Tuesday on the way home from work. It seems like it is running better all the time. Still love driving this thing and getting 40+miles per gallon just tops it off.
  17. L

    heater isnt exactly 'warm'

    My 2001 NB was blowing out foam and grit and the heater would not get warm, tried everything T-Stat, coolant and it was the blend doors. No foam means no heat. At least it did for me. New foam on the doors and works great.
  18. L

    Steering Column Covers

    Black is the color I need.
  19. L

    Steering Column Covers

    Does anyone know where you can pick up the top and bottom covers of the steering column. When I purchased my 2001 NB the previous owner had done something to them. They are so sticky and you can not keep them clean. I would like to replace them.
  20. L

    Electrical or starter problem

    Well I thought I would let you know I found the problem with my car. A dead cell in the battery. But I still checked all the cables and re/re the starter as from the how to from Wingnut since I had the battery box out. All is good with the NB again. Thanks for the advice.