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  1. D

    Clutch Issue

    This is probably a minor suggestion compared to the others, but while waiting at a stop sign or light, it's a bad idea to sit with the clutch down and the car in gear. The VW clutch is a tricky thing. I had problems with mine (up to and including a tranny/clutch replacement at 30k) along with...
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    Can you name that part? (Identify the hose in this picture)

    Thanks! You guys rock. :) Um. What does it do?
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    Can you name that part? (Identify the hose in this picture)

    Hello, I've identified a problem and can easily carry out the fix, however, I'm having trouble finding the part because I'm clueless as to what to call this hose and therefore, what part to search for to order. Can someone please give me the correct name for the hose indicated by the arrows...
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    04' Jetta clutch slippage?

    04\' Jetta clutch slippage? I'm having a problem where the engine will rev, but power won't engage. It will occur in nearly all gears (most pronounced in 5th and hardly noticable in 1st). I should say, the power engages, as I'll be driving along, say, in 5th, and press the accelerator to speed...
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    04 jetta tdi question

    No question you'll be happy with your purchase. The fuel savings alone is nice, not to mention that it's a pretty slick ride. One thing to keep in mind, that from what I've read you'll need to make sure to immediately put a new timing belt on if it's got more then 50,000 on the clock. You...
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    04 Jetta Oil Change - Parts needed?

    Ok, I tracked down an answer.. in a place in the owner's manual that I failed to look. So sue me. The owner's manual is like, 6 different books. Looks like the 100hp TDI holds 5.2 quarts. The 90hp TDI (2003 and earlier) holds 4.8 quarts. I bought the Castrol 505.01 oil from my local dealer...
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    what is the EGR mod, what does it do and ...

    From the TDIFAQ: Avoiding the Need for Intake Manifold Cleaning - Recalibrating the EGR System - this vehicle is equipped with a CCV (crankcase vent) system and an EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) system. Oily fumes from the CCV system can combine with carbon particles from the EGR system to...
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    04 Jetta Oil Change - Parts needed?

    Hi all, It's time for my 04 Jetta's first oil change. Actually, it's past time, but all the dealers service guys have been on strike and nobody but the dealers carry the 505.01 oil. Finally, I'm going to just do it myself because it must be done. I don't have a problem with wrenching it, but...
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    04 jetta tdi question

    Heh. I ditched my 02 Jeep Liberty for an 04 Jetta TDI for exactly the same reason. Went from nearly $300 a month in gas (yes, I drive like a fiend) to about $100. More then makes up for the jump in payments. (still was upside down on the jeep.. stupid jeep.)
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    Decent-Fair price on new 2004 GLS Jetta TDI Auto?

    Feel free to shop around. It took me a good two weeks of searching in the midwest to locate a 2k4 Jetta GLS TDI. What with the gas prices, the dealers have had no problems moving them. You can find the gasser Jettas all over the place, but if you find a dealer with more then one TDI model (any...
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    TDI advice for new buyer

    I just got one myself. I couldn't be happier with it. I just passed the 1000 mile marker on mine. I do know that you'll almost certainly want to change the timing belt right off the bat. It should have been done somewhere around 50-60,000 miles. You can ask for proof that it's been done, but...