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  1. P

    Just bought 1999 TDI beetle! Stock everything, 110k on the clock.

    My 2003 NB kicked on a check engine light when I plugged the EGR line and when I used the VCDS adaptation method, my MPG dropped by 3mpg...I put everything back to stock.
  2. P

    Just bought 1999 TDI beetle! Stock everything, 110k on the clock.

    I'll be honest my ALH Timing belt failed at the tensioner....previous owner had it installed at a shop that didn't understand how it was supposed to be properly eh....tensioned. Good look see of the components will help you decide if you trust the work.
  3. P

    Just bought 1999 TDI beetle! Stock everything, 110k on the clock.

    Timing Belt etc, Skid Plate, Ventectomy
  4. P

    98 NB build thread

    I was always glad that my 03 NB GL came without a TDI badge to keep the thieves away but then again the manual transmission should be enough of a deterant now days...will be following.
  5. P

    Trusted TDI Mechanics - By State

    Matthew and Gabe at Zahntech in Redmond Wa...well worth the hour drive...knows the TDIs inside out.
  6. P

    Is it worth turning off my egr or reducing the value with VCDS?

    I adjusted my 03 NB to cycle the EGR less often and my MPG took a dump of 3 to 4 MPG over the same roads for a couple of tank fulls....changed it back to factory setting.
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    Mk4 Golf/Jetta Custom Mudflap/Fender Covers.

    Any thought of making these for the tdi New Beetke?
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    BUMP FS - MKIV Thule square cross bars - Issaquah, WA - FREE

    Any idea if they would for an 03 New Beetle? Thanks for offering
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    FS: 2002 Golf TDi - Portland, OR - *** SOLD ***

    Hey chris...I'm interested and up in the clutch slipping or due for a change?
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    Vote: should i leave

    Knowledge said with an attitude is still knowledge...stay as long as you want.
  11. P

    Glow plug heavy cotton Gildan T Shirts avail.

    Brand new Gildan Heavy Cotton T Shirts
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    NB Rear taillights compatability

    Are the redesigned rear taillights on the 06 new Beetle compatible with the earlier years?
  13. P

    Blue Coolant dash light temperature

    For information purposes, my 2003 Alh beetle 5 spd's blue coolant light goes off at 138 degrees F according to coolant temp info from my obd2 Ultra Guage unit