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    film inside windshield

    I've got the same problem w/ the film. But, the coolant looks good and there is no smell. But, I do have a diesel..
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    A/C Clutch wont Engage NOT THE RELAY!?

    I had the same thing happen where the ATS (Atmospheric Temp Sensor) wire had been chewed thru by a mouse. It's located driver's side next to your ECU.
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    2001 Tail Lights Out - Not fuse, Not Bulbs

    I have a similar problem. I started to blow brake light fuses on my 2001 TDI Golf. Whre the Glow Plug light started flashing.. Changed the brake switch.. No change. Still blowing fuses. The cable connectors to the brake lights show no signs of damage and the brake fixtures have zero signs of...
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    Intermittent FCM / Wiring Problem 2001 Golf TDI

    I found the Wiring Diagram in the Bentley manual. Will post what I find. I put in a new compressor and had it working. When the fans died. After I replaced the Radiator cooling fans, my Thermo Swx connection went way South.. Will post what I find.
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    Intermittent FCM / Wiring Problem 2001 Golf TDI

    I believe I have a bad connection in the FCM harness of my 2001 TDI Golf. I have the Bentley "Golf Jetta 95-2005" official shop manual.. Where in the section Electrical section.. I cannot find any reference to the FCM (Fan Control Module) or Thermo Switch.. Please send a reference page # if...
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    Fan Spins Momentarily then Shuts Off

    I replaced the AC unit on my 01 TDI then the fans. However, I noticed that when I attempted to run the fans, they would spin momentarily. Then they would shut off. I followed the procedure in the Bentley Shop Manual. It pointed at the Thermo swx. Because I could jumper out the thermo swx and...
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    Check your radiator/condenser fan operation NOW

    Problem Follows ThermoSwx.. Dan, I've got a weird one. I'm following the "A4 fan troubleshooting" procedure. The problem follows the Thermoswx. Where I jumper out pins 1&2 (Fans run slow), jumper out 2 & 3, turn vehicle on, (Fans run fast). I've changed out the Thermoswx to no avail. I...
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    Less Than 12 VDC to Compressor Clutch?

    Do you have to have 12VDC at the clutch plug for the clutch to engage? I've got ~8.71 VDC at my compressor clutch. My 2001 TDI Golf has been amazing to date in the AZ heat.. The AC was great one minute and gone the next.. Thanks, JQ
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    Slow Death of a Vacuum Pump

    I've got a 2001 Golf TDI with a 1.9l diesel. I had the joyous experience of cleaning out my totally obstructed intake manifold. Using the "Redneck" method I also used a BBQ brush to clean up the carbon residue that was left. Immediately I got a...
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    Diagnosing and Fixing Limp mode for A4 1.9TDI [low power troubleshooting]

    N75 Fix I had just cleaned out my intake manifold. When I noticed a reduction in power and finally no turbo. I used your procedure and N75 was indeed the culprit. My Hayes manual gave a +25 ohm for an acceptable resistance. Mine was 17 ohms. I did manage to get the "Check Valve" in...
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    Diagnosing and Fixing Limp mode for A4 1.9TDI [low power troubleshooting]

    N75 Fix I had just cleaned out my intake manifold. When I noticed a reduction in power and finally no turbo. I used your procedure and N75 was indeed the culprit. My Hayes manual gave a +25 ohm for an acceptable resistance. Mine was 17 ohms. I did manage to get the "Check Valve" in...
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    The right way to clean a ALH TDI intake manifold?

    Other Things To Do After Intake Manifold Cleaning? Used the Red Neck intake cleaning method with great success. Question, what else should I do to my TDI after this procedure to clean other built up residue? Thanks, JQ
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    Intake Manifold Bolts

    Removing Intake Manifold Questions Gentlemen, great info. I've got a 2001 TDI Golf. Just replaced the EGR valve and I almost fainted when I saw the amount of gunk that was in the intake manifold. I've got a "limp mode" problem. But, the only engine code I'm throwing is P0380,"Glow Plug"...
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    TDI IN A 94 NISSAN pickup

    81 SD22 720 PU / TDI Conversion I too would like to convert an '81 SD22 diesel Nissan to a TDI power plant. Finding parts for the SD22 is a bear. Locating TD27 in the US is not an option. And I've fallen in love with the 1.9 TDI in my 2001 Golf. Are there any other conversion shops that...