Search results

  1. C

    Two Jetta ALHs for Sale in WV/MD area

    The blue Jetta is gone.
  2. MK4 Jetta for Sale 260K miles

    MK4 Jetta for Sale 260K miles

    Needs some love but it has some great bones and a mean spirit.
  3. MK4 For Sale Rear Seats

    MK4 For Sale Rear Seats

  4. MK4 For sale Recaro Front Seats

    MK4 For sale Recaro Front Seats

    Front Interior
  5. MK4 Jetta 2002 260K miles

    MK4 Jetta 2002 260K miles

    Tuned a little rusty in the rockers. Front fender swapped with aftermarket.
  6. 2003 ALH

    2003 ALH

    2003 Black ALH
  7. 2003 ALH

    2003 ALH

    2003 Black ALH
  8. 2003 ALH

    2003 ALH

    2003 Black ALH
  9. 2003 ALH

    2003 ALH

    2003 Black ALH
  10. 2003 ALH

    2003 ALH

    2003 Black ALH
  11. C

    Two Jetta ALHs for Sale in WV/MD area

    Thanks for the cred @FordTech2004 !
  12. C

    Two Jetta ALHs for Sale in WV/MD area

    My wife and I have decided that it is finally time to let these beasts go. Both have intact EGRs and are not in immediate need for a TB. Titles in hand and both registered to WV state. Black is upto date and inspected. Blue (sold) inspection expired and I haven't driven it in a while. Both cars...
  13. C

    Craigslist Search Tools

    A member created a site a while back... It allows you to search by states, selecting individual, grouped, or all cities. Three search boxes per entry. No frames and easy to use for any cl search.
  14. C

    Intermittent excess smoke on moderate acceleration

    '02 MKIV ALH - ~150k miles, pp520, vnt17, kerma tune, Rotella T6. Excess smoke occurs most often from first to second gear with moderate acceleration. Because it is intermittent I am having a difficult time identifying the problem. I suspect the MAF. Any suggestions?
  15. C

    EPIC Cross Country Road Trip

    You have a panzer plate? Or, something similar to protect your oil pan?
  16. C

    EPIC Cross Country Road Trip

    I bought some vacuum line through Napa... It took FOREVER for them to get it in stock (even though the online itinerary said it was already in stock). About a week later and a couple of bucks shipping (my effing charge) I finally got the vacuum lines and I think they sent the wrong diameter...
  17. C

    EPIC Cross Country Road Trip

    I would add Austin, TX to the list of stops... That city is amazing. Try to float the river and hit up Zilker park for some free music shows. Ranch Road 12 and the devils backbone are beautiful. Also, I would really consider boosting the power and reaping the fuel economy benefits. I came from...
  18. C

    Limp Mode Again

    I had similar limp mode problems when headed back from Texas a year ago. Long hills left me powerless. I decided to replace vacuum lines piece by piece in order of wear. I believe that the vacuum lines were brittle at the connections and would trigger limp mode when the ambient temperature was...
  19. C

    Anyone near Bflo brewing BioD?

    I have a wvo system installed (from PO)... Every time I use the system I am anxious and nervous. I think that it is time to convert to BioD instead of purifying and using WVO. Is there anyone around here willing to add a person to their co-op? I have 100+ gallons of WVO right now and want to...
  20. C

    Warm up time?

    I suggest a winter front or block of the grill to prevent wind from blowing away heat. I live in buffalo and also have a 4 mile commute. I go out of my way to take the thruway, but sometimes the snow is awful and I have to take the city roads. Don't use the heat, dress warm, and use your rear...