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  1. V


    Oh... i assumed you'd use the HEX-NET for the JSW. I was saying if you wanted to trade plus cash on my end for my Key-usb (to use for your MKIV) for your HEX-CAN... because you were using specifically for your MKIV you would only need a KEY-USB cable.
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    Are you still wanting the Key-usb for you mkiv? Are you gonna be selling your hex-can
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    If you end up buying his hex-net, I'll trade my key-usb for your HEX-CAN. I need something for my new to me Q7 TDI and MKIV wagons. If not I'd by the HEX-NET and sell you my key-usb
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    2001 Golf Parts Car

    I'd be interested in the Buzzken turbo back. Is that going with the shell it might be better shipping for me than from the east coast
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    BEW Engine Core and 09A trans

    would you be willing to ship the transmission?
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    Complete BHW engine

    interested. What part of Oregon are you located?
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    MK4 6 Speed swap or complete with 2002 ALH Engine

    Interested in just the 6spd gear box, flywheel and clutch. How much?
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    need help with turbo warranty issue on VNT17

    UPDATE: Finally got around to pulling my turbo. Just a bit of oil came out of the inter-cooler and piping. It looks like the bearing is fine and has normal shaft play. I still want to believe the compressor wheel hit the housing during a boost spike, and that was the foreign object . I'm...
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    need help with turbo warranty issue on VNT17

    that's what i was thinking. so if the pressures aren't correct then there could be issues of the blade coming into contact with the housing. I didn't know what the tolerances were for this turbo. My 7.3 Powerstroke GT38 had some play when i rebuilt it but i don't believe the blade was getting...
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    need help with turbo warranty issue on VNT17

    Recieved my replacement turbo. Wondering if this is too much shaft play: This is similar (maybe a little less) to the first turbo that came into contact with the housing.
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    WTB: B5.5 Passat Parts;Range Sensor, axles, side mirror

    I have a lead on a few axles, but maybe it wouldnt be bad to have some parts axles... can you PM me a price
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    WTB: B5.5 Passat Parts;Range Sensor, axles, side mirror

    let me know when you can send/post the pics silver mirror replied to PM's
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    need help with turbo warranty issue on VNT17

    I'll check the plate when i pull it (it was a glued on plate). I thoroughly flushed the oil feed line so i cant imagine that it would build up gunk after 6k miles when it had been on the car for almost 200k. I usually do preventive cleaning when it's easier to get too, like cleaning the egr...
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    need help with turbo warranty issue on VNT17

    Since i heard what was essentially wass the turbine rubbing against the housing and the next day i got the sound coming from the turbo of a broken turbine , my guess is a blade eventually sheared of and became the foreign object. My 7.3 Powerstroke turbo bearing finally wore out after 400k...
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    WTB: B5.5 Passat Parts;Range Sensor, axles, side mirror

    Need to pick up a few parts for my Dad's B5.5 Passat Wagon. Range Sensor (on the side of the transmission). Sometimes referred to the neutral multifunction switch. OEM Axles (previous owner put on the aftermarket new ones that are vibrating) Throttle Body (I think I just can do the bad...
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    need help with turbo warranty issue on VNT17

    Just wanted to add that the vendor is offering a discounted replacement, which will be refunded if warranty is deemed valid. This is nice of them to offer as a service.
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    need help with turbo warranty issue on VNT17

    So my VNT17 (bought from a reputable vendor) ate the inducer. When I installed it 6k miles ago i did all the prescribe methods of installation: * flushed my entire intercooler and piping * changed the oil, filter, and air filter * cleaned the turbo intake pipe * 20k miles ago when i was doing...
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    TDI ALH to 2002 Eurovan

    Looking good... you'll have to help me when i do the shift forks on the 6spd for my wagon. That 5th gear will be real nice for hwy cruising.