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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    My in-service date was June 13 for the phase 2a/2b recall. Dealer still has the car as they claim they are waiting for a NO2 sensor. Back ordered they say. Anyone heard the same? I’m a little bit ticked to say the least....but have had a loaner car from day one. Sent from my iPhone using...
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    2015 Gen 3 Fix Phase 2

    Any word on the Gen 3 phase 2 fix for the 6MT? I’m at the point of signing the Canadian claim for cash option 3 ($7000 over two payments) but haven’t heard any timeframe for phase 2 to commence. We’re into the second quarter of 2018 so VW has already missed their mark for “early 2018”
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    I checked for 2015s when they were discounted $7000. Sold out everywhere I looked, no duh. Used 2015s with 6MT going for $27k which makes no sense to buy either. By the looks of things, seems like majority of 2015 owners are keeping their cars or selling them privately for profit due to...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    I am sitting on the fence stage 12 of the claim process. I have a 2015 Jetta Highline 6MT with 99000 km. Nothing really jumps out at me in terms of trade and I have no other car to drive to make it easy to choose buyback. I get 1100km along the 400 to and from work. Anyone else in...
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    If you are considering buyback which cars are you looking at as replacements?

    Don't be drawn to the dual shift gearbox crap from Ford Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    No I'm not the one in lane 1....more like lane 3. Aka the slow lane. I travel at off peak hours. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    My mileage seems on par if not better. Might be attributed to warmer weather but this tank of diesel on stage 1 fix has resulted in 1000km driven at 140km/hr. faaast yes but I often get pushed by faaaaster cars on the 400. My idea about Audi dealer doing stage 2 fix: Less busy shop Better...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    Can we take a 2015 Jetta to an Audi dealer for the phase 2 hardware fix? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    VW TDI goodwill package: Offers $500 Visa cards & $500 dealer credits to TDI owners

    Can we by store gift cards with the $500 "anywhere" card? I'm planning to purchase an item worth more than $500 and I would expect the transaction to be declined as the value of the card is less than the item purchase price, and I assume the clerk can't split up the transaction Sent from my...
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    I managed to trade my 2011 Jetta back in December 2014 with 160k km. It was due for a timing belt, and was in 2 minor stationary accidents. I got a trade in value of $16K. I'm kinda glad I traded up for a 2015 back then. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    VW TDI goodwill package: Offers $500 Visa cards & $500 dealer credits to TDI owners

    I can't wait for my $662.62 CAD Visa card and my $662.62 CAD VW in-store credit from VW Canada Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    VW TDI goodwill package: Offers $500 Visa cards & $500 dealer credits to TDI owners

    Nothing offered as yet from VW Canada... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    I had fun parking my car today at IKEA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    VW may look to bring over some folks from the Mexican Puebla plant to do the rework for the gen 1 cars. I can't see them using any sort of expensive labour in the US or Canada to perform the labour required Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    I can just hear the management team in Germany screaming Scheiße Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Most likely correct. I've heard through the grapevine that US electrical grid is poorly maintained and when **** hits the fan they fly down line crews from Ontario Power Generation and Quebec Hydro Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Yikes car accidents really do suck. My 2011 Jetta suffered the fateful girl-across-the-street-reverse-out-of-driveway-and-tbone-parked-car maneuver Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    I think the US also buys some electricity from Quebec which is primarily water/dam driven Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Pay fine and fix emissions problem or buyback?

    Do you feel comfortable having a mechanic at your dealership install the fix? What would be the expected cost to train said mechanics on the fix? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    I always wondered why my car was giving me 1300km MFD reported fuel economy while driving on highway 400 this summer Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk