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  1. J

    glow plug code won't clear

    Re: glow plug code won\'t clear Thanks for the replies. I previously tested the fuse on the battery with a volt meter and it looked fine. It also looked intact and shinny. Well, after trying to clear the code for a few days it cleared today and has not come back on. It's not real cold today...
  2. J

    glow plug code won't clear

    glow plug code won\'t clear I have been having glow plug issues for a year now. I have done everything on the forums as far as testing goes and now, finally installed a new glow plug harness this past weekend. Now my code will not clear. In the past I have cleared the code. car: 2001 Jetta...
  3. J

    Lack of Power Golf TDI 5 speed

    I am a noob, so don't listen to me too much, but have you tried unplugging the maf again? I have read posts on here that people have replaced 2-3 mafs during the life of their car, and mine seems bad too. They should recall this part.
  4. J

    VAG-COM MAF Scanning

    I don't have my vag-com hooked up right now so i may be a bit off, but hopefully this will help: Open vag-com click "Select" (control module) click "01-Engine" Then click the 2nd from the top on the far left button. I think it is labeled "Blocks". You want block "03". Turn your engine on. You...
  5. J

    Is there an Austin TDI mechanic? (not the dealer)

    I am looking for a mechanic in Austin Texas to work on my 2001 Jetta TDI. Any recommendations?
  6. J

    Is there an Austin TDI mechanic? (not the dealer)

  7. J

    Glowplug fault code

    I have had a similar problem for a year now. I have tested the glow plugs for resistance (~1.5 ohms), tried dielectric grease, and deoxit5. Nothing helped. I replaced the harness a few days ago, and now the code won't clear at all. I thought maybe I didn't install the harness correctly, but...
  8. J

    Replacing glow plug relay

    The exact DTC was: 16764 - Glow Plug/Heater Circuit (Q6): Malfunction (It says it is an intermitant error if I don't clear it for a few days) I guess it is possible that my ohm readings are off by 10%. Rather than replace all four plugs just to see if I can get the 4 new ones to be a better...
  9. J

    Replacing glow plug relay

    This is "anotherUser" logged in from another account. To answer my own question, yes, even when running an output test with the VAG-COM you need to disconnect the connector on the ETC (coolant sensor), or it will override your test if your coolant is over 50F. I thought my DTC was caused by the...
  10. J

    Diesel vs Gas, which is greener?

    I am planning on buying a 2001 Jetta TDI very soon. I am doing this because I thought it would be a better car for the environment. Assumptions: It gets 2+ times the gas milage of the other Jettas. Diesel is as bad as regular gas, but since it gets better gas milage it will pollute less. All...