Well as title reads got kind of an oddity.
While driving with cruse control engaged, if I roll drivers window up- cruse will disengage (yes power windows)
Window down doesn't do this, and all other windows do not have this effect.
Resume works as it should after.
What could be the issue?
Just by looking at your description of the noise (very good BTW)
Closely look at flex piping going to and from EGR cooler. This is where your noise is coming from .
If you are able to move cooler at all? Bolts and brackets that hold this in place are MIA.
Best of luck
Normally the head is removed to verify said blown head gasket and to look for collateral damage. I am sure somoni else will respond, but you really need to diagnose the full scope of issues here before loading parts canon. Here is a link to basically what your next move is...
It gives a degree of protection. It's not bare steel with sharp edges and crap.
Will there be a manufacturing code? Doubt it. The standard is likly set by your wallet.
No clue as to what you are working on?
I do believe most automobiles have the capacity to cool with ignition shut off.
There is a pretty comprehensive diagnostic thread in 101.
Life is tough, then you die.
Why make it tougher?
If we were talking face to face, would you all respond the same?
I would have walked away long ago. You are your worst enemy.
That's pretty subjective, yes many simple and dissimilar metals corrode when in the presence of oxygen.
This is why we use a product called dielectric grease. Or at least that's what I use. It's cheaper than gold.
In order to learn, somtime you need to change how you think. You have/had? Oilhammers attention.
I would start picking up what he is laying down. Not trying to bash but you came for help, try it.
Diagnostic is not my strong point. At least not when compared to some wizards on this form.
If your 109 is not activating, what else is not. And I think it receives signal from ignition.
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