Search results

  1. T

    TDI oil consumption

    This has been debated for awhile. I would say if you have not blocked off the anti-pollution/recirculation plumbing you have to have some oil lose (intercooler condensation and manifold gunk) and depending on how long you change your oil, you may add some. The A3's seem to use more, I add some...
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    Clutch Slip in Rainy Weather

    I've owned two VW's and both exhibit a change in clutch behavior in the rain. My A3's clutch seems to slip when driving in wet weather. Anyone notice this or is it just me and my car? I only have 63k on mine and it runs great in the usually dry Arizona weather.
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    Check engine light problem

    I have a 98 Jetta, the light has been on for some time and I have had the same code (65535) diagnosis. My car runs fine with the light on and someone (possibly Velvetfoot)mentioned a poor ground in the wiring tray under my battery. This is a possibility as my battery blew up three years ago and...
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    Bush Pushes Offshore Drilling off Alaska's N Coast

    Bush Pushes Offshore Drilling off Alaska\'s N Coast With the fall of Sadam's Iraq will come a new source of oil for the world (no sanctions either). The price of oil will come down to a level where drilling in sensitive areas of the USA will not be cost effective. This may sound like a victory...
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    oill colour change how quick.....

    The oil in my tdi is dark within a day of an oil change, even with a bypass filter. Unless you change your EGR system it will change dark fast. Even with modifications, TDI's get oil dark. My previous gas VW would literally go for months with oil like honey, not any more.
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    intermediate shaft seal or crank seal????

    I just had my timing belt changed at 58k. The mechanic also replaced my intermediate shaft o-ring (N90353501) and seal (026103085D) due to a slight leak. The work didn't add much (if any to the overall cost of the job). They did not replace the cam seal even though I asked them to look at it.
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    Engine Code - 65535 (?)

    My car got a new timing belt and an error code evaluation. The code: 65535 - contol unit malfunctioning (possible bad control unit). They recommended diagnosis from a dealer. The car has run fine for months with the CEL on. Should I be concerned with this code evaluation? 98 Jetta TDI w/ 60K miles
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    98 Jetta TDI - Coolant & hoses

    Thats an interesting thought since you will want to replace your water pump during that timing belt replacement and I am assuming the coolant needs to be drained somewhat in order to do that work. If you put the addition 20k on your car quick enough I would think it OK but 120K is a long time...
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    A3 jetta head rest.

    Its been awhile since I removed mine for a seat cover installation, but I seem to remember some metal clips pushed well into the plastic mounting blocks at the base of the headrest. You can go up and down with them but if you want them all the way off you have to pull those clips out. They are a...
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    Is there a magic number on when to sell the VW?

    Any time prior to getting your next timing belt replacement!
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    Would You Buy Jetta GL TDI, or GLS TDI With Power Sunroof?

    My car has a sunroof (bought used). I would rather not have it. I would like the additional headroom more than I will ever open the thing up. Also, less to break, leak, etc. The noise is bad and I usually only have a window down if I really need outside air. It does seem to be a personal choice...
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    Reset Check Engine Light?

    KenMc5, I have the same car as you and about 5 months ago developed a similar situation. CEL coming up to highway speed. It would stay on for a few hours and disappear (depending on how many start ups the car experienced). Now it is on all the time. The car runs fine and I have checked my intake...
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    CEL - New Wrinkle!

    Mike, I will be interested in what you learn. Does the $50.00 scanner let you remove codes as well? Please report on this product. Thanks, Tom
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    CEL - New Wrinkle!

    I've been driving my 98 A3 around for about 5 months with a CEL on and first noticed it after I applied the fuel petal to the floor for long periods (ex: passing). It wouldn't say on more than a day then. Now its been on constantly and I have to say I have noticed no differnence in performance...
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    Replace the timing belt again????

    question: Why no 80k timing belt for the A3 model cars? This is an expensive maintenance item if you don't do it yourself and most owners don't. I have been hard pressed to get a quote under $400.00 (us) for the belt change and at 60k (my A3)that sucks. Why is this such a major engineering job...
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    '97 Jetta Door Strips Won't Stay On

    Re: \'97 Jetta Door Strips Won\'t Stay On My 98 has the same strips (glued on). You just have to find the proper glue. Mine have had to be touched up in a spot or two but OK for now.
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    is a TDI right for me in S.West Colorado?

    The car will be fine, it's service vs where you live that would worry me. I live in a town of 1 million people and its tough to find an intelligent/reasonable shop (the dealer is a pirate). Assuming the car behaves flawlessly you're OK, but realistically, I would consider this aspect of TDI...
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    Saab smashed, need new vehicle

    How did you like the Saab? I notice the torque is available at as low an rpm as on the VW TDI.
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    Tucson Service Recommendations

    Yes, Beaudry generally sucks. You either love them or you hate them. I agree with going independent. I used to go to the Wagonhaus. There are any number of good places. I have been lucky on major problems and do my own routine stuff. I will be looking at a tuning belt replacement soon if I keep...
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    Engine Parts AHU

    Buy a whole motor: