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  1. Youngsnazzy231

    Ac not working

  2. Youngsnazzy231

    Ac not working

    probably stupid question but i don’t know much about a/c but if I don’t have enough Freon the fans etc won’t work? Of course it won’t blow cold air.
  3. Youngsnazzy231

    Ac not working

    Still nothing fuses are good no cold air and fans are showing no signs movement. so I’m guessing poor refrigerant pressure like you had said or something else because each wire harness and connections are fine. Would a photo from topside of my engine help?
  4. Youngsnazzy231

    Ac not working

    I have crawled under but no signs of damage. My aux fan was out maybe the other one went out after I heard once one goes the other is prone too. the radiator support is for sure broken but I was just looking for some advice
  5. Youngsnazzy231

    Ac not working

    I had pulled out a pretty steep driveway and scraped the bumper pretty good and I’m pretty sure I broke my radiator support but after that my ac stopped and fans won’t kick on any wires that could’ve gotten damaged maybe?
  6. Youngsnazzy231

    Tdi turbo

    How do you make this thing Stu Stu Stu😂
  7. Youngsnazzy231

    2006 Jetta 1.9 Brm Stu Stu Stu

    anyway we can make the turbo go “Stu Stu Stu”?
  8. Youngsnazzy231

    Location/ Meet

    Anyone live around west michigan id like to meet some more tdi guys like us and cruise together.