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  1. K

    A6 TDI HPFP Swap?

    Wow that’s great customer service right there. 🙄 And I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s been looking into the DCRs I thought maybe I was crazy to think it would work, but the more and more research I’ve done into the DCR, the more it makes sense. Especially considering this is something that...
  2. K

    A6 TDI HPFP Swap?

    Sorry I should’ve been specific, I wasn’t doubting you, I was referencing my question to the cp3 swap portion of your post. I keep seeing cp3 swaps but none of them say they’re compatible with the CPNB. So I was curious if you ever heard or saw of anyone that had used the swap with the bmw cp3...
  3. K

    A6 TDI HPFP Swap?

    Did you ever see this kit first hand?