Search results

  1. C

    FS- Bosio nozzles Chicago

    Thank you for all the PMs. Sale pending to a local. I will post results.
  2. C

    FS- Bosio nozzles Chicago

    Four (4) ,new ,unopened ,in the box, Bosio Power Plus 520 injector nozzles for a Mark IV. $125
  3. C

    WTB: 2 gallons of Schaeffer's Supreme 9000

    I've got six of them and four stand alone quarts. Give me a pm.
  4. C


    Sad day for the tdiclub. Condolences to the family.
  5. C

    Phoenix, AZ fuel question

    Shell has good diesel in the PHX area, too. You get a cash discount when you use the Fry's card. Best price I found was on Bell just west of I=17.
  6. C

    Fuel Hoses!!

    Don't forget to change the interinjector hoses as well. They are in a heat environment; rot, split, and send diesel fuel all over the cylinder head cover.
  7. C

    New location - great fuel !!

    No, I surely have not been there. If it is in southern IL, then lucky them. Do like your license plate avatar though.
  8. C

    New location - great fuel !!

    CountryMark just opened a new station in the western burbs of Chicago. Wayne IL, north of North Avenue just east of St. Charles. A Michigan location showed up too. If you live or travel that way - 50 cetane domestically produced diesel is at your doorstep. Lucky you. This fuel was introduced...
  9. C

    Fund Raiser for Oilhammer

    Look for the Chicago postmark, sent today.
  10. C

    Looking for a local gurus help

    I'm no guru by any means, but I'd look at the exhaust for plastic debris, squirrel or mice nests. After you shut off the engine, check the belts and pulleys for undue heat. Sniff around the engine bay and you might be able to localize the area of heat.
  11. C

    Winter GTG feeler

    Thinkin' spring, Matt. Rain check.
  12. C

    Shop move.

    Shop looks terrific, Jason. Congrats, you earned it.
  13. C

    Only BioDiesel available in Illinois

    Yes, desireable if the Bio issue is to be avoided. Countrymark makes 50 cetane fuel of all US products, and has no Biodiesel added unless the specicifc station adds it. They will advertise that fact usually. Great product but available in IN only. You want stations that have high turnover of...
  14. C

    Only BioDiesel available in Illinois

    Country Mark Lake Village, Rensselear, Lebanon, Indy, Fort Wayne,... Check the map on
  15. C

    When do I start using the White PS bottle vs. the Grey PS Bottle?

    I just switched today, and will run it until April/ May.
  16. C

    Clutch suggestions??

    I have exactly what PDJetta suggested for an upgrade. The bigger turbo and a moderate tune. Great combination. Matched it with a G60 clutch and a single mass flywheel and the car is easy to drive in the city with power a plenty for the road.
  17. C

    Diesel at Caseys

    Better suggestion would be to use the grey Power Service every fillup in spring summer and fall. Use the white Power Service with antigel every fillup in the winter. Keeps the pump and injectors clean and lubed.
  18. C

    Diesel in St. Louis

    oilhammer is a guru and lives/works in the StL area, might want to pm him.
  19. C

    Just Bought 2000 Jetta **What to replace**?

    A full TB job includes a water pump as well as the rollers, etc. If you look at dieselgeek's kit as well as IDparts, kerma, etc. you'll see a lot of little parts (cam seals, for example) that are really important. When you do the TB job, do it right and thoroughly. There are yield to torque...