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  1. V

    2004 Jetta transmission troubles

    Yeah sounds like lots of folks had success with replacing the 9 solenoids... Had a few more issues with this rig (but I also gained a lot more clarity on what parts are involved with this tranny) and are going for a rebuild. Found a helpful mech, and yeah they have a good warranty. Cheers.
  2. V

    Reputable Transmission shop in Vancouver, BC?

    Thanks for all the recommendations! As far as the issues go... gears slipping, not engaging, thunking into engagement. Scanned the codes and a few things came up. Will need a rebuild. Has 214k on it so will be good to have a rebuilt tranny in there!
  3. V

    Reputable Transmission shop in Vancouver, BC?

    Thanks, I'll give him call. Looks like the shop next door is called Stan's Transmission. Will look them up as well to get some feedback. Any other suggestions from anyone else??
  4. V

    Reputable Transmission shop in Vancouver, BC?

    Any recommendations for a reputable transmission shop in the Vancouver area (or surrounding region)? Particularly a guru familiar with the 09A transmission?? I have a 2004 Jetta TDI wagon, auto tiptronic transmission, 214k km. Have spoken to a few transmission shops in the area, and so far...
  5. V

    2004 Jetta transmission troubles

    09a transmission rebuild Would a totally rebuilt transmission be just as solid as a NEW transmission? I have a budget for this car, but are also willing to pay for a rebuild if it's considered necessary, and will perform like a new transmission, as I plan on driving this car for a while. For...
  6. V

    2004 Jetta transmission troubles

    A lot of great info here all- I’m grateful to have found this forum. I’m a new owner of a 2004 Jetta TDI wagon, automatic transmission, 214k km (133k miles) and are having similar issues... though the car first started having trouble engaging in first gear when moving from a standstill (revved...