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  10. DieselBunny


  11. DieselBunny

    2023 TDIfest/GTG discussion thread

    My wagon is almost ready for trips. Still trying to get my leaking pano roof sorted.. Gonna be dropping the headliner and rtv sealing anything I see that leaks.
  12. DieselBunny

    MN Chat Thread

    When I have to replace mine I'm leaning toward doing it myself. Especially now that my dad has a lift at his house. I can do a majority of the work in my garage but a lift would definitely make things easier.
  13. DieselBunny

    New to TDIClub? Introduce yourself here!

    I've had success tightening it just a smidge and then loosening it. Sometimes that works. Other times I get out the torch and heat it up.
  14. DieselBunny

    MN Chat Thread

    Those things are cool. I saw one pop up on cars and bids when I was looking for my wagon. It was real tempting but I feel like I'd have a hard time getting parts for it.
  15. DieselBunny

    2023 TDIfest/GTG discussion thread

    Never been to Kansas before. Could be fun. What's there to do in Wichita? Anything vw related there?
  16. DieselBunny

    MN Chat Thread

    Illinois doesn't get quite as bad as Minnesota though so I should probably put those holes in it.
  17. DieselBunny

    MN Chat Thread

    I saw someone selling a cnc'd one and got me thinking that I should just make my own. Wanted like $150 I think for it.
  18. DieselBunny

    MN Chat Thread

    I guess I'll get one when I buy a house later this year. I'm in an apartment right now. I suppose I could park it in my garage with an outlet but it stays decently warm in there.
  19. DieselBunny

    MN Chat Thread

    Is that like a block heater or something else?
  20. DieselBunny

    MN Chat Thread

    Sounds like a spring project to me. Gonna do my timing belt before my trip to Florida in April. Guess I'll add that to my list for the week.