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    Porsche cayenne 2013 3.0 tdi loosing coolant problem

    Water pump weep hole? Not sure of the set up on yours but some have a drain hose attached which is tucked away into engine insulation materials so you never see any signs of leaking.
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    Oil level rising 2.0tdi BMM. Please help!

    Another consideration is the oil cooler, has your coolant level been dropping/needing top up?
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    Noob with 2006 VW LT35 2.5TDI - Injector testing

    Hi all, Looking for some advice regarding injectors, I've taken a video of them in action (see link) and was hoping someone could tell me if they're ok, I've tested all 5 (on cranking) and they all fire in the same way as the one in the video...