I have a 2005 Jetta BEW wagon 5 speed auto with around 180 on the odometer, been a great commuter for me, 40-48 mpg depending how fast I drive. I’m essentially the second owner, have a full thick file of maintenance and repairs by original owner including a new transmission at about 60k. Not...
Update, I was finally able to take the time and look at the transmission fluid! Haven’t driven it much recently, so I haven’t worried about it. Transmission fluid was at proper level and appeared to be in good condition without any debris, so I opted not to change it.
Had it up on stands today and got my wife to give it some throttle in 5th gear while I listened around a bit. Couldn’t hear anything! Didn’t here the hum at all! Thought maybe it was the position of the axles since I had unloaded them, so I repositioned the jacks onto the arms as close to the...
I recently replaced the cabin air filter, put in a higher quality thicker filter and had about 100 miles on it with the fan on 1 and 2 settings when it quit. It’s the exact same filter that I have in another MKIV and haven’t had any problems with it.
I turned the fan by hand and don’t notice...
Has anyone ever replaced just the resistor in that plastic housing ? seems that I can find that individual piece much cheaper than the $50-$80 that they want for the new resistor and plastic unit.
I don’t think it’s a wheel bearing, I’ve had one of those go out before on it and it was a very obvious sound to that wheel. This is a more low key/low volume hum it seems to be coming from underneath at all speeds, increasing volume correlated with faster speeds. Seems to be more noticeable at...
Just recently put new tires on my 81 caddy with the 1.6 diesel, five speed, pretty much all stock as far as I know. I had been running studs for a while so had lots of road noise. Put new tires on and have since noticed that there seems to be a hum from either the transmission gearbox or axles...
‘03 Jetta wagon, had the sunroof open and close wile I was on a short drive the other day. The switch hadn’t been touched in months, so I cycled it thinking maybe it was a bad contact or something.
I don’t want it to open in the middle of a rain storm in the middle of the night while I’m in bed...
I have a new luk clutch installed shortly after these issues started, it seemed to improve slightly but not much. I’ve checked all the linkage and there doesn’t seem to be all that much play, and especially doesn’t make sense to me why it can be sticky in reverse and first gear being very...
I’m not having trouble getting into any of the gears with the engine off, but I’m having trouble getting in first, second, third, and a little bit of fifth while driving. I’m also having trouble getting anything it out of reverse when the engine is either on or off and first gear when the engine...
He told me, but don’t remember and I can’t read his writing on the receipt. Said it’s the same as he’s been using in his personal tdi and what he puts in all transmissions when he changes out the clutch.
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