Search results

  1. NavyTDI2000

    Where do we get parts any more?

    I have been struggling with this also. I have had (at times) to visit a junk yard- or had to buy from a junk yard. I found this tool helpful: I have used another few places for parts- (my components have been solid). (bushings and bolts...
  2. NavyTDI2000

    Wire Harness understanding

    Another question- when the wire thickness is described (e.g. in mm), is that the measured size of the insulated wire- or the measured size of the actual conductor (wire), within the insulator cover?
  3. NavyTDI2000

    Wire Harness understanding

    Y'all probably know this, but I just learned it- by convention the first letters identify the primary color of the wire. In the above example, the primary color of the wire is BRN (brown) (via a legend, which I haven't found in the Chilton's manual) and GRN (green) is the color of the stripe...
  4. NavyTDI2000

    Lost power going up a hill, new turbo?

    Check all vacuum lines? Not sure you'd hear a POP if one of them came loose or was dislodged, but I had a power loss due exclusively to vacuum lines collapsing....
  5. NavyTDI2000

    Wire Harness understanding

    I am replacing a Tailgate wire harness, due to a tear in the rubber seal between tailgate and roof. As I run the new harness, I'm trying to replace a stock connector. Look at this image: Question 1: What is the...
  6. TailgateHarnessWires.jpg


    Tailgate harness connector
  7. Tailgate wireness 2000 VW Beetle.PNG

    Tailgate wireness 2000 VW Beetle.PNG

  8. NavyTDI2000

    Little Yellow Projects

    I'm intrigued by this, as my Beetle has been a great source of discovery. I had a similar power issue, but replacement of all vacuum lines really fixed THAT issue. I just redid my entire suspension (or almost all of it)- and I REALLY love wrenching on this bug- it is fun. Keep us posted about...
  9. NavyTDI2000

    Drivers Side Sensors

    Here is the CORRECTED wire routing for the wear indicator on the Driver's Side:
  10. ProperRouting2.jpg


  11. ProperRouting1.jpg


  12. NavyTDI2000

    Drivers Side Sensors

    Perfect- thanks for the feedback!
  13. NavyTDI2000

    Drivers Side Sensors

    Are these wires routed properly for new beetle drivers front strut?
  14. abssensor_brakewearindicatorwire.jpg


  15. NavyTDI2000

    How to properly torque upper strut mounting nut?

    At least the exercise of doing this has value....never done it before; won't be afraid to do it again!
  16. NavyTDI2000

    How to properly torque upper strut mounting nut?

    Hard truth, I guess. On the upside, I just need them to last a couple of years to get benefit from them. Was originally going to go with others but I'm on a tight budget to get all the things done - that I want to do. In a couple of years, I'll have everything I need to upgrade suspension...
  17. NavyTDI2000

    How to properly torque upper strut mounting nut?

    Thanks P2B. I bought the struts from 1AAuto- and the strut nut is 22mm, not 21mm, so I can't use the socket method. I will assemble everything else and apply final torque when I get the strut nut sockets (arriving tomorrow). Just caught the note about the stock nut not having a "nylon...
  18. NavyTDI2000

    How to properly torque upper strut mounting nut?

    I am mounting new struts (preassembled). As I go to install the new cup, lock nut- and strut, I am unable to properly torque the strut to 44 ft-lbs without the strut shaft spinning. Is there a method to torque this properly WITHOUT purpose-built strut nut socket (partially cut to allow another...
  19. NavyTDI2000

    Lower Control Arm (LCA) Bushing Housing nicked

    Perfect, Nuje- thanks. Just the confidence-inspiring post I was hoping I'd find!!
  20. NavyTDI2000

    Lower Control Arm (LCA) Bushing Housing nicked

    I planned on that- some bare metal (after I removed a couple of burrs).