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  • Hope all's well! I believe you replaced the timing belt and clutch on my 2003 Jetta TDI several years ago and was wondering if you were still in the northern VA/Stafford, VA area. Anyway, I'm looking to resolve some nagging issues that may be associated with my vehicle's age & wanted to know if you or anyone else in northern VA could advise/assist. Thanks, Joe
    I would like to get the contact information for Tom Earl at Ninedee Golf TDI. How do I get this information? Thank you in advance!

    I was trying to reach out to the seller of the 6 speed trans conversion kits but I could not remember what his user name is .... I think it was Franz but it did not pull anything up?

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    Reactions: 2002_auto_tdi
    Hi, I'm not sure why this didn't show up sooner. Yes, Frans, Dutch Auto Parts. dutchautoparts.com He speaks great English too.

    OK got it .... Thanks

    PS - Ill call you tomorrow about when I can bring the car up for some TLC ..... Thanks
    do you still work on vws near Stafford? I'm having issues with my 96 Passat. See my posting 'starts hard after resting, timing changed to zero'. Several members have targeted my crank sprocket, but I can't pursuade my mech to look at it. Seems more than what I can do on my own. Are you still doing work?
    thanks, James
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