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  • Additional part of complaint. On VW site heater core is covered under TDI EEW for Gen 1 (2009-2014) JSW. In 11/22 no heat. Dealer found "internal failure in heater core". Cost me $2,391.59. I submitted bill to VW asking for reimbursement. All sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. VW would not reply.
    Didn't have room to say DPF dash light started this. VW denied warranty saying I have to be within BOTH parameters (time & millage) for warranty. My warranty says the greater of time or miles. Whichever comes first is the lesser amount. What is remaining is the greater of time or miles. The 06/27/22 date is first so is lesser amount. The 144,242 is greater so is the warranty upper limit.
    I have 2009 JSW - DSG,ESP original owner. Bought 09/02/08, miles 000,023. Modified 06/27/18, miles 096,424. Modified millage =144,242. Current millage = 115,442. The greater of 4 years (06/27/22) or 144,424 miles is 144,424. VW denied because I'm over 06/27/22 time. Can someone help me on this. email = lhanner1510@wowway.com 313-618-4744 or if you know of Regulatory EPA ruling or Court Case.
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