Owning a TDI in the city


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2006
I was wondering what the negative implications are to having a TDi and living in a large city. I know that the short trips, the numerous lights and so forth can't be good for the engine. From my understanding, the car is to be driven on long commutes to give the engine time to warm up and run properly.

I currently have about a 12 mile commute one way to work, mostly stop and go with a short stretch of 60 mph driving. About halfway through the commute, the engine is finally warmed up completely.

Now, let's say that I had a commute that was half of that, consisted primarily of stop and go traffic, should I think of getting rid of the car?

There are a couple of things weighing on my mind. I don't want to keep the car if I am only doing more harm than good. I would much rather sell the car and take public transportation to work, thereby eliminating my monthly payments (would be nice). On the other hand, if I keep the car and don't drive it every day, I'd be making payments on a car that I am not enjoying and driving.

The car is a 2005.5 Jetta TDi. I would love to keep it, but I just want to ask the experts on here for their opinions on this. I would much rather sell the car to someone who is going to take advantage of the many great things this car has to offer, versus letting it sit in a parking garage somewhere.

By the way, the city that I am referring to is the greater DC metro area.



Veteran Member
Jun 26, 2004
Pensacola FL
14 Ram EcoDiesel
If I lived up there I would take the Metro. I don't think that you'll hurt it driving on the beltway, but you need to blow the soot out on occasion. BTW what do you want for it.


TDIClub Enthusiast, Vendor
Jul 29, 2001
Versailles, Kentucky
2015 Audi Q5 TDI
Keep it for awhile. You would hate yourself if you sold it now, and later found out you needed it.

Besides, you'll need to escape the squirrel cage once in awhile to maintain your sanity.


Zehntes Jahr der Veteran
Oct 13, 1998
Boise, Idaho
2013 Passat TDI, Newmar Ventana 8.3L ISC 3945, 2016 E250 BT, 2000 Jetta TDI
Ask yourself the following questions regarding whether or not you will still have the same job in 30 years. Will you even still be in the same career field? These are all questions you should ask before selling your TDI...

Which of the following best describes the level of education you last completed?

  • High school or less
  • Some college
  • College graduate
  • Post graduate

How long ago was it that you recieved your Bachelor's degree from college?

  • Less than 10 years ago
  • More than 10 years ago

Which of the following best describes your age?

  • 30-34 years of age
  • 35-44 years of age
  • 45-54 years of age
  • 55+

Which of the follwoing best describes the industry you are currently working in?

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Medical
  • Insurance
  • Legal
  • Information Technology
  • Telecommunications
  • Education
  • Government
  • Other (Specify)
  • Am not currently working

Since college, how many jobs have you had?


Since college, how many careers have you had?


How many job changes do you expect in the future?


Do you expect to continue in your pesent career, or anticipate taking up a new career?
  • I expect to continue in my present career either with my current employer or another.
  • I expect I'll be ding something quite different, either with my current employer or another.

Thinking about your college experiences, if you had to do it over again, would you major in something different this time around?


What subject would you major in this time?
  • Business
  • Education
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Medical
  • Other (Specify)
  • Don't know

Why would you choose that major?

  • For my own enjoyment
  • To advance my career
  • Current demand
  • Higher salary
  • Other (Specify)

Is there a course or subject that you wish you would have taken or given more emphasis to?


What course or subject would that be?

  • Computer Science
  • Business
  • Mathematics
  • Accounting/finance
  • Other (Specify)
  • Don't know

Why do you regret not taking this course or more courses on the subject?

  • I have become interested in it personally since graduating
  • It would help me in my job
  • Both, I am interested in it and it would help in my job
  • I did not see how importat it would be
  • Other (Specify)
  • Don't know

Do you have an advanced degree?


Have you taken any college or post-graduate courses since graduating that were not part of a degree program?


Were the courses taken for professional or personal development?

  • Professional
  • Personal
  • Both

When you take courses for professional reasons do you look for (read list)?
  • Courses that increase the in-depth knowledge of your field.
  • Courses that add new skills or dimensions to your knowlege.
  • Both
  • Other (Specify)
Which of the following best describes how you took the course?
  • In a conventional university setting, attending lectures, using the schools library etc.
  • Mostly used technologies such as teleconferencing and on-line resources rather than in-person attendance at lectures, accessing research materials on-line, using e-mails etc.
How do you acquire new knowledge now?
  • Individual research, using libraries, the Internet, and other resources.
  • Company training classes
  • Mentoring, or one-on-one training from colleges
  • College or university courses
  • Other (Specify)
How do you feel you learn most effectively?
  • Alone, using technology, libraries, and other resources
  • As part of a diverse group
  • As part of a group of company colleagues
  • Hands on experience
  • Other (Specify)

It has been said that lifetime learning will be an essential part of everyone's career. Do you see that happening today?


I am going to read you four statements regarding the role universities will play in the lifetime learning process as careers advance, for each statements please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree.
  • Most learning will take place either formally or informally on the jobs, with little university-level or graduate level instruction.
  • Closely aligned with local industries, universities will support the continuing education of employees with courses, both on and off-campus, supplementing in-house training.
  • Most people will not take courses to maintain or build proficiency in their current jobs, but rather to get new or different jobs, either with their current employer of another.
  • Most university work is really too "Ivory Tower" for real-world applications, except, perhaps, for a handful of highly specialize scientific and technical fields.
In a lifetime learning environment, from the following, please rate in order of importance what you would expect from your employer.

  • Learning opportunities
  • Mentorship
  • Reimbursed formal education
  • Career advancement opportunities


In a lifetime learning environment, from the following, please rate in order of importance, what you think your employer expects of you.

  • Basic communication skills
  • Proficiency on computers
  • Understanding of business culture
  • Being a leader
  • Being a follower
  • Being self-motivated
  • Having a good attitude

Do you believe you will have to take college-level refresher courses in the next three to five years in order for your career to advance?


What field of learning do you think your employer and/or career is most likely to require?

  • Computer related studies
  • Comm./Language arts
  • Accounting and finance
  • Foreign language
  • Mathematics
  • Law & Politics
  • Science
  • None
  • Other (Specify)

Which of the following statements best describes why this field is or may be required by your employer as it relates to your career?

  • It is directly related to my career and I am expected to know more about these specific issues as it relates to my work.
  • It may impact the way I do my work in the future, and I am expected to evaluate the technology to do my job well.
  • It will not impact the way I do my work, but is a subject that they would like for me to know more about.

If you were to take a required or refresher course, which of the following methods would you prefer to learn in?

  • In a conventional college setting, living on or near the campus, attending lectures, using the libraries and online facilities.
  • Live off campus with minimal requirements for attending lectures, making use of online facilities, video and audio tapes, with the occasional personal or telephone conference with the professor.
  • A combination of the two options.
Have you ever thought about living near a college or university, taking courses and participating in campus life after you retire?


How would you rate each of the following institutions for their use of information technology like the Internet, email, the online provision of products and services, and communications with customers. Please rate each choice as either excellent, good, barely getting by, or poor.
  • Financial institutions--banks, credit car, brokerage firms etc.
  • Retail operations--stores, dealerships
  • Manufacturers
  • Elementary and secondary schools
  • Colleges and universities
  • Government administration, legislatures and regulatory agencies--state legislature, Congress, FCC, Dept. of Motor Vehicles, IRS etc.
  • Law and law enforcement--attorneys, courts, the police

Which of the following statements best describes how comfortable you are with the technology you use at work or home?
  • On the whole, I am comfortable with the technology as it arrives on the job and in my home.
  • I'm getting by for now, but am a little concerned about what's next.
  • I'm uneasy about the pace of change, and worried that it will pass me by.
As technology advances, one problem it poses is making the right choices to meet personal and corporate needs. Do you feel confident in your ability to make those choices?
  • Yes, I keep up with new developments pretty well.
  • Sometimes--I depend on people I trust to advise me.
  • No, and as the systems become more complex, I get less sure.
How should your continuing education be financed--personally or by your employer?
  • By my employer
  • Through my own resources
  • Through combined employer/personal resources
If your employer paid for all or a substantial part of your continuing education, would you be more likely to stay with the company?

Does your employer have a relationship with a local college or university that allows it to tap the academic resources for assistance in research and/or the continuing education of its employees?

So now that you have pondered those questions...

15 years from now you may need your TDI!. TDI's are not throw aways which is what you seem to imply by wanting to sell the car "now".

My 1998 Jetta is in PRISTINE condition, does not burn oil and gets used fairly regularly. I use it when I am the only one in the car or going on solo long haul driving trips. The car is paid for, Insurance is next to nothing (full coverage), and I know for a fact it will still be around for my kids to drive in 15 years!

When you adopted your TDI, you made a commitment! :D

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Veteran Member
Oct 9, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
2001 Jetta TDI, 2012 JSW TDI
my brother went from commuting 30 miles each way to 2 miles each way. still drives his 04 Jetta TDI. still gets 52+mpg ALL CITY, he use to get 60 combo.


TDIClub Enthusiast, ToofTek Inventor
Oct 16, 2005
Newark, OH
My 1986 Golf is in drivable condition, with estimated mileage of well over 300,000.

Oilhammer has a 1991 Jetta with 386,000 in MINT condition.

Keep the thing maintained. It may be the last car you ever need to buy.


Veteran Member
Jul 13, 1999
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
2003 Jetta Wagon
I have about the same commute to work that you do. I'm very conscious of the short distance, so I do what I can do to make sure the car does get run up to temperature as quickly as possible. If that means driving in 4th instead of 5th, so be it. I do try to take some "trips" on the freeway a few times during the week, even if it's just the really long way home. :) I also change the oil way sooner than specified, because I know what I'm doing is considered "severe service". After 40K miles, though (I know, I know), I have no intake-manifold issues and performance and mileage seem as good as ever. It's not optimal conditions for the car, but I won't get rid of it.