Edmonton TDIers


Vendor , w/Business number
Jul 24, 2006
Edmonton AB, Canada
2002 Golf
I am looking for a few TDIers in Edmonton to give me some feedback on a power product I am developing for 1996-2003 TDIs.
It is a microprocessor controlled power box that adjusts power proportional to throttle input. It is basically plug and play and has a cockpit adjustable power levels. The power is seamless and impressive.
What I am looking for is a few people to take my car for a spin and give me some feedback on the product and packaging. If interested, once I get my PCBs done also some beta testing on your own car.
Please email me at alex.campbell@edmonton.ca or PM me.
Please do not link this to the performance section as I do not enjoy being grilled or flamed.


Alex Campbell