Ross-Tech VCDS data logging


Well-known member
May 5, 2019
2012 Golf Kerma tuned
Hello Everyone,

I've only had my TDI for 5 months and I just started data logging to get a baseline of how the car functions under different conditions and see what the normal ranges are for varying parameters.

Yesterday was the first time I used the new ross-tech vcds version 19.6.2 which seems to make selecting the groups much easier by having check boxes for all visible at the same time, some of which are duplicated in different areas. It also allows up to 12 to be selected at the same time, which I think was increased also?

A couple that I chose were Group 8 field 1 and 2 (requested torque and torque limitation). These were displayed in nm and I logged the csv file to graph later.
I converted the torque figures to ft.lbs as x.74 and the figures seemed kinda high still.

During 40-70 4th gear roll-ons I see requested torque of around 305 and limited torque around 273. Our car is rated at 235 ft. lbs right? My data logging seems high doesn't it, or am I not recording the correct parameter?

I appreciate any feedback.

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